The recipe is quick, easy, and delicious.
Are you looking for a recipe that's just right for today? Fun Sesames Classic and Spicy Tahini Noodles are super delicious. They're a vegan dish that includes rice noodles, zucchini, onions, chili peppers, and your choice of either FUN Sesames Classic or Spicy tahini noodles.
Rice noodles are a healthy and delicious meal you can make at home. This recipe shows you how to make Rice Noodles with various fresh ingredients and spices.
In today's busy and fast-moving phase, we sometimes need to remember to eat healthily. You can enjoy delicious and healthy food with the FUN Sesames Classic and Spicy Tahini Noodles.

The recipe is quick, easy to prepare, and tastes delicious!
FUN Sesames Spicy Tahini is excellent with rice noodles, but you can also use other fresh vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, green beans, or spinach.
The best part about this recipe is that it's perfect for beginners because all you need is an oven and a bowl to mix the ingredients! If you're new to cooking Asian food, this is a great place to start because it won't take long before the spicy tahini noodles are filled with the scents from all the ingredients you're using!
Rice noodles are a great way to enjoy Asian food, but they can be tricky to work with because they tend to get mushy when you eat them raw. This recipe for rice noodles is a twist on my classic sesame Tahini recipe, which works well as an appetizer or main dish. Instead of chicken, I'm using rice noodles and tahini sauce for a healthier, delicious version.
This is a healthy, comforting, and easy-to-make meal. With just a few ingredients and 15 minutes of prep time, you can serve this delicious vegan meal in no time.
Rice noodles are made from rice flour and water with a mild, subtle flavor and a chewy texture. They're also high in protein and fiber.
The sauce is made from either classic or spicy tahini noodles. It's naturally low in sodium, so you can enjoy it as a healthy alternative to soy sauce or fish sauce!
1 tbsp. olive oil
Two cloves garlic, minced
1 Chili pepper, minced
(1) 6 oz. bag of rice noodles (or soba noodles)
3 zucchinis, spiralized or thinly sliced
2 green onions, chopped
½ cup FUN Sesames Classic Tahini or FUN Sesames Spicy Tahini Sauce, plus more for garnish
This dish is excellent for a lazy night or when you're feeling a little under the weather.